Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Laboratory Science, Paramedical School

2 Department of Immunology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

3 Postgraduate Medical School, University of Surrey, Guildford, United–Kingdom

4 Avecina Institute, Tehran, Iran

5 Shiraz Institute for Cancer Research, Shiraz, Iran


Background: Lung carcinoma is a multiple type cancer comprising of small cell and non-small cell carcinomas (NSCLC). For therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, serum monoclonal antibodies have been produced against lung cancer.
Objective: To charac-terize a murine monoclonal antibody (ME3D11) reactive with human NSCLC.
Methods: A murine monoclonal antibody (ME3D11) reactive with human NSCLC was selected after immunization of BALB/c mice with a human large cell carcinoma with neuroen-docrine differentiation, and was tested by immunofloursence staining and Western blot analysis.
Results: Our study showed that the antigen recognized by ME3D11 antibody was a cell surface antigen of 170kDa. This antigen is expressed on the cell surface of all NSCLC and a few carcinoma cell lines. In contrast, this antigen is neither expressed on the cell surface of human sarcoma, nor on the hematopoietic and normal cell lines. This anti-body had no effect on spontaneous proliferation of Mehr-80 cell line in vitro.
Conclusion: High degree of binding of this monoclonal antibody to NSCLC and some other carci-noma cells warrants further studies on its potential use in diagnosis and therapy of can-cer by conjugation to drugs, toxins or radionuclides.
