Document Type : Original Article


1 National Drug Clinical Trial Institution of Women and Children’s Hospital, Qingdao University, No. 6 Tongfu Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China.

2 Department of Immunology, Basic Medical College of Qingdao University, No.308 Ningxia Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China.

3 Department of Hospital Infection Control, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, No.5 Donghai Middle Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China.


Background: The extent to which maternal antibodies against the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAb) acquired transplacentally affect the immune responses to the hepatitis B vaccine (HBVac) in infants is still uncertain.
Objective: To explore the impact of the HBsAb on the immune response to the HBVac in a mouse model.
Methods: According to the doses of the HBVac (2, 5 μg) injected, 267 BALB/c mice were divided into two groups. Each group was subdivided into 3 subgroups based on the doses of the hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) (0, 25, 50 IU) administered. The HBsAb titers were detected 4 weeks after completing the HepB vaccination.
Results: Among all the mice, 40 had an HBsAb titer <100 mIU/mL (non- or low-response to the HBVac). The rates of the HBsAb titer <100 mIU/mL in 0, 25 and 50 IU HBIG groups were 1.1%, 23.1%, and 20.7%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors for low- or non-response to the HBVac were injection with the HBIG, low HBVac dose, and hypodermic injection. The mean HBsAb titers (log10) reduced gradually in the 0, 25 and 50 IU HBIG groups (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The HBIG administration has negative impacts on the peak level of the HBsAb and the rate of an effective immune response. This implies that the maternal HBsAb acquired transplacentally might inhibit the immune responses to the HBVac in infants.


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